Founder and Director team: 15 year partnership

Kevin Laws

Dr Kevin J Laws is Chief Scientist of AAH. He is Associate Professor of Physical Metallurgy in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney where he has been developing novel alloy families for 20 years.

Warren McKenzie

Dr Warren McKenzie is Director of AAH. He has a PhD in Materials Science and is an Adjunct Lecturer at UNSW Sydney. He has been a director of four companies as well as Business Development Manager for the Australian National Fabrication Facility.

Lori Bassman

Lori Bassman is Professor of Engineering at Harvey Mudd College in California. Through a visiting appointment at UNSW Sydney for the past 17 years she has been central the development of Bright Brass and AAH’s other novel alloy families.

Michael Ferry

Michael Ferry is Professor of Physical Metallurgy and Head of School for Materials Science and Engineering at UNSW Sydney. He is a research leader in microstructure, texture control and thermomechanical processing of alloys.